D - Definitions

  • D

    demand planning

    Demand planning is the process of forecasting the demand for a product or service so it can be produced and delivered more efficiently and to the satisfaction of customers.

  • demand signal repository (DSR)

    A demand signal repository (DSR) is a database that aggregates sales and demand data at the merchant's point of sale (POS).

  • demand-driven manufacturing (DDM)

    Demand-driven manufacturing (DDM) is an approach to manufacturing where production is based on actual orders rather than forecasts.

  • digital core

    Digital core is the technology platforms and applications that allow organizations to transform into digital businesses and meet the new needs of the digital economy.

  • digital manufacturing

    Digital manufacturing is a technology-based approach to production that links different data silos and processes in the manufacturing lifecycle so that stakeholders can make better business decisions both comprehensively and at each step.

  • digital supply chain

    A digital supply chain is a supply chain whose foundation is built on web-enabled capabilities.

  • digital thread

    A digital thread is a data-driven communication framework that connects traditionally siloed elements in manufacturing processes and provides an integrated view of an asset throughout the manufacturing lifecycle.

  • digital twin

    A digital twin is a virtual representation of a real-world entity or process.

  • discrete manufacturing

    Discrete manufacturing is an industry term for the manufacturing of finished products that are distinct items capable of being easily counted, touched or seen.

  • distribution requirements planning (DRP)

    Distribution requirements planning (DRP) is a systematic process to make the delivery of goods more efficient by determining which goods, in what quantities and at what location, are required to meet anticipated demand.

  • dual sourcing

    Dual sourcing is the supply chain management practice of using two suppliers for a given component, raw material, product or service.

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